SEL Educator Institute at Teachers College Columbia University
Dates: 26 Jun 2024 - 28 Jun 2024
Time: 08:00AM - 05:00PM
(Chicago, UTC-5)
View In Your Time Zone View In Original Time ZoneLocation: Tulane University School Of Public Health And Tropical Medicine 1440 Canal St 70112, New Orleans, United States
This event has been postponed - please contact [email protected] for other option
A Social Emotional Learning (SEL) program supports students to be more effective by increasing emotional intelligence. The EQ Educator Institute provides insights and tools to effectively lead SEL by teaching and modeling learnable skills proven to increase academic and life success. Using the Six Second Model, this intensive 3-day institute equips educators to be more effective in teaching, modeling, and integrating these elements of Social Emotional Learning in the classroom and school – starting with self.
As part of a unique collaboration with Summer Principals Academy - New Orleans and the Urban Education Leaders Collaborative at Teachers College, Columbia University and Six Seconds, The Emotional Intelligence Institute, this three-day institute will be offered on the Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine campus in New Orleans for educators and education leaders.
This event has been postponed - please contact [email protected] for other option
A Social Emotional Learning (SEL) program supports students to be more effective by increasing emotional intelligence. The EQ Educator Institute provides insights and tools to effectively lead SEL by teaching and modeling learnable skills proven to increase academic and life success. Using the Six Second Model, this intensive 3-day institute equips educators to be more effective in teaching, modeling, and integrating these elements of Social Emotional Learning in the classroom and school – starting with self.
As part of a unique collaboration with Summer Principals Academy - New Orleans and the Urban Education Leaders Collaborative at Teachers College, Columbia University and Six Seconds, The Emotional Intelligence Institute, this three-day institute will be offered on the Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine campus in New Orleans for educators and education leaders.