Educational Vital Signs, Online

This course can be started at anytime.

Price: $295.00

Prerequisite for attending this program:

Unlocking EQ course or EQ Educator 1 (plus UEQ elearning)


How do I create a great place to learn?

Start with a school climate survey that is highly customizable for your education setting. Learn the value and how to set-up, administer, and debrief this survey with your school or your clients school.



Course curriculum


Welcome and Preparation for the Learning Journey

    1. Logistics

    2. Preparation for the Learning Journey

ENGAGE, Building the Case for EVS

    1. Course Overview

    2. The Need

    3. What Makes a Valid Assessment?

    4. Research Background

    5. Introducing EVS

ACTIVATE, Implementing EVS

    1. Exploring the EVS

    2. Implementing the Process

    3. Practicing with EVS

REFLECT, Integrating & applying your learning

    1. EVS Applications and Integration

    2. Review the Resources and Join the Community

    3. Final Reflection and Feedback


    1. Congratulations and Next Steps


*Note: In the EU region, the price is 295.00

Prerequisite for attending this program:

Unlocking EQ course or EQ Educator 1 (plus UEQ elearning)


How do I create a great place to learn?

Start with a school climate survey that is highly customizable for your education setting. Learn the value and how to set-up, administer, and debrief this survey with your school or your clients school.



Course curriculum


Welcome and Preparation for the Learning Journey

    1. Logistics

    2. Preparation for the Learning Journey

ENGAGE, Building the Case for EVS

    1. Course Overview

    2. The Need

    3. What Makes a Valid Assessment?

    4. Research Background

    5. Introducing EVS

ACTIVATE, Implementing EVS

    1. Exploring the EVS

    2. Implementing the Process

    3. Practicing with EVS

REFLECT, Integrating & applying your learning

    1. EVS Applications and Integration

    2. Review the Resources and Join the Community

    3. Final Reflection and Feedback


    1. Congratulations and Next Steps


*Note: In the EU region, the price is 295.00